Павел А Абрамов

Индекс Хирша
Magnetic and Terahertz–Infrared Properties of Nanodispersed Hexaferrite SrxBa(1−x)Fe12O19 Solid Solutions
Kovalev A., Vinnik D., Gudkova S., Zherebtsov D., Zhivulin V., Taskaev S., Zhukova E., Ahmed A., Abramov P., Talanov M.
Crystals 2023 Цитирований: 4
Open Access
Open access
Signatures of pancake bonding in hydrated eumelanin
Abramov P.A., Ivankov O.I., Mostert A.B., Motovilov K.A.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2023 Цитирований: 6
The influence of copper ions on the transport and relaxation properties of hydrated eumelanin
Abramov P.A., Zhukov S.S., Savinov M., Mostert A.B., Motovilov K.A.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2023 Цитирований: 9
Effect of internal pressure on incipient ferroelectricity of nano‐confined water molecules observed in hydrothermally grown beryl crystals
Gorshunov B., Abalmasov V., Uskov V., Chan Y.T., Uykur E., Abramov P., Dressel M., Thomas V., Savinov M.
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research 2022 Цитирований: 2
Analysis of Melanin Properties in Radio-Frequency Range Based on Distribution of Relaxation Times
Abramov P.A., Zhukov S.S., Bedran Z.V., Gorshunov B.P., Motovilov K.A.
IFMBE Proceedings 2022 Цитирований: 0
Water-Activated Semiquinone Formation and Carboxylic Acid Dissociation in Melanin Revealed by Infrared Spectroscopy
Bedran Z.V., Zhukov S.S., Abramov P.A., Tyurenkov I.O., Gorshunov B.P., Mostert A.B., Motovilov K.A.
Polymers 2021 Цитирований: 16
Open Access
Open access
THz and IR spectroscopy of H2O@C60 endofullerene
Melentev A.V., Zhukov S.S., Balos V., Hoffman G., Alom S., Belyanchikov M., Zhukova E., Dressel M., Bacanu G.R., Abramov P., Levitt M.H., Whitby R.J., Gorshunov B., Sajadi M.
2021 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) 2021 Цитирований: 0
Hydration-dependent infrared study of eumelanin.
Bedran Z.V., Zhukov S.S., Abramov P.A., Tyurenkov I.O., Gorshunov B.P., Bernard Mostert A., Motovilov K.A.
2021 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) 2021 Цитирований: 0
THz and IR spectroscopy of endofullerene H2O@C60
Melentev A., Zhukov S., Balos V., Hoffman G., Alom S., Belyanchikov M., Zhukova E., Dressel M., Bacanu G., Abramov P., Levitt M., Whitby R., Gorshunov B., Sajadi M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021 Цитирований: 3
Open Access
Open access
Terahertz-infrared conductivity of plasma-treated of CNT-based macroscale films
Zhukov S.S., Kopylova D.S., Tsapenko A.P., Mogorychnaia A.V., Abramov P.A., Zhukova E.S., Nasibulin A.G., Gorshunov B.P.
AIP Conference Proceedings 2021 Цитирований: 0
Distribution of D2O Molecules of First and Second Types in Hydrothermally Grown Beryl Crystals
Belyanchikov M.A., Abramov P.A., Ragozin A.L., Fursenko D.A., Gorshunov B.P., Thomas V.G.
Crystal Growth and Design 2021 Цитирований: 7
Terahertz conductivity of plasma-treated of CNT-based macroscale films
Zhukov S.S., Kopylova D.S., Tsapenko A.P., Abramov P.A., Melentiev A.V., Zhukova E.S., Nasibulin A.G., Gorshunov B.P.
AIP Conference Proceedings 2020 Цитирований: 0
Rotational coherence of encapsulated ortho and para water in fullerene-C60 revealed by time-domain terahertz spectroscopy
Zhukov S.S., Balos V., Hoffman G., Alom S., Belyanchikov M., Nebioglu M., Roh S., Pronin A., Bacanu G.R., Abramov P., Wolf M., Dressel M., Levitt M.H., Whitby R.J., Gorshunov B., Sajadi M.
Scientific Reports 2020 Цитирований: 25
Open Access
Open access
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2020-2023 (4 года)