Андрей Владимирович Лебедев

Московский физико-технический институт
Индекс Хирша
Depth analysis of variational quantum algorithms for the heat equation
Guseynov N.M., Zhukov A.A., Pogosov W.V., Lebedev A.V.
Physical Review A 2023 Цитирований: 6
Nanoscale Electrically Driven Light Source Based on Hybrid Semiconductor/Metal Nanoantenna
Lebedev D.V., Shkoldin V.A., Mozharov A.M., Larin A.O., Permyakov D.V., Samusev A.K., Petukhov A.E., Golubok A.O., Arkhipov A.V., Mukhin I.S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2022 Цитирований: 7
Critical phase boundary and finite-size fluctuations in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with random intercell couplings
Shapiro D.S., Remizov S.V., Lebedev A.V., Babukhin D.V., Akzyanov R.S., Zhukov A.A., Bork L.V.
Physical Review A 2022 Цитирований: 0
Protocol for temperature sensing using a three-level transmon circuit
Sultanov A., Kuzmanović M., Lebedev A.V., Paraoanu G.S.
Applied Physics Letters 2021 Цитирований: 9
Linear Ascending Metrological Algorithm
Perelshtein M.R., Kirsanov N.S., Zemlyanov V.V., Lebedev A.V., Blatter G., Vinokur V.M., Lesovik G.B.
Physical Review Research 2021 Цитирований: 6
Open Access
Open access
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy-Induced Light Emission and I(V) Study of Optical Near-Field Properties of Single Plasmonic Nanoantennas
Lebedev D.V., Shkoldin V.A., Mozharov A.M., Permyakov D.V., Dvoretckaia L.N., Bogdanov A.A., Samusev A.K., Golubok A.O., Mukhin I.S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2020 Цитирований: 11
Time-reversal of an unknown quantum state
Lebedev A.V., Vinokur V.M.
Communications Physics 2020 Цитирований: 1
Open Access
Open access
Heat generation due to the Anderson catastrophe in mesoscopic devices
Lebedev A.V., Vinokur V.M.
Physical Review B 2020 Цитирований: 4
Renormalization flow of a weak extended backscattering Hamiltonian in a non-chiral Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid
Popoff A., Lebedev A.V., Raymond L., Jonckheere T., Rech J., Martin T.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 2020 Цитирований: 0
Realization of the Werner–Holevo and Landau–Streater Quantum Channels for Qutrits on Quantum Computers
Pakhomchik A.I., Feshchenko I., Glatz A., Vinokur V.M., Lebedev A.V., Filippov S.N., Lesovik G.B.
Journal of Russian Laser Research 2020 Цитирований: 4
Arrow of time and its reversal on the IBM quantum computer
Lesovik G.B., Sadovskyy I.A., Suslov M.V., Lebedev A.V., Vinokur V.M.
Scientific Reports 2019 Цитирований: 33
Open Access
Open access
H-Theorem for Systems with an Interaction Invariant Distribution Function
Lebedev A.V., Lesovik G.B.
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2019 Цитирований: 0
Extended quantum Maxwell demon acting over macroscopic distances
Lebedev A.V., Lesovik G.B., Vinokur V.M., Blatter G.
Physical Review B 2018 Цитирований: 9
Open Access
Open access
Quantum-enhanced magnetometry by phase estimation algorithms with a single artificial atom
Danilin S., Lebedev A.V., Vepsäläinen A., Lesovik G.B., Blatter G., Paraoanu G.S.
npj Quantum Information 2018 Цитирований: 47
Open Access
Open access
Entropy Dynamics in the System of Interacting Qubits
Kirsanov N.S., Lebedev A.V., Suslov M.V., Vinokur V.M., Blatter G., Lesovik G.B.
Journal of Russian Laser Research 2018 Цитирований: 8
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2001-2023 (23 года)